NikkeiBP Japan Mobile Users Survey 2013
Nikkei Survey, est. Jpn national smartphone adoption at 28% and notes $40Bn mobile payments, $10Bn by NFC:
Nikkei Survey, est. Jpn national smartphone adoption at 28% and notes $40Bn mobile payments, $10Bn by NFC:
Kyocera Shipping new Hydro Elite smartphone for Verizon; waterproof, NFC, at $99 w/2yr contract:
DoCoMo is always an interesting player to watch, and not just by comparison within our domestic market. Recently they made a clear ‘Mid-Term Vision’ statement shifting focus towards a so-called ‘Lifestyle Services’ company. Fair guess at first-blush on this for most folks overseas would be somewhere between ‘sure, nice PR speak’ and ‘good luck with that’ based on experience with their own local telcos. However, for those who have paid attention, again not just in Japan, the increasing action in OTT (as noted *importantly* below) and the 4th Wave concept are well upon us here.
All 3 telcos tout full NFC support for Sumitomo Mitsui Card Visa payWave, 31 handsets (A/B type) enabled:
While rumours of this news were circulating a few weeks ago, so we’re not that surprised, maybe folks missed these other hints with regards to forecasting this ever evolving market. As usual overseas press, who could barely contain their delight, didn’t bother to pay much attention in an effort to provide a balanced opinion.
Sony Experia Z Tablet via DoCoMo 03.20; 1.5GHz, ‘droid 4.1, LTE, NFC, 7mmx10″ digital TV & it’s Waterproof!