Mobile Manga from Japan to India
Tata DoCoMo will offer Japanese mobile manga in India as of Sept. 18th with 6 titles translated into English and more planned to follow.
Tata DoCoMo will offer Japanese mobile manga in India as of Sept. 18th with 6 titles translated into English and more planned to follow.
SoftBank Mobile announced a new management platform service targeted at farmers to track and improve efficiency of their seasonal operations.
DoCoMo launched their BlackBerry app store, with product targeted to Japanese customers, this move was announced during a trade-show in July.
DoCoMo will sell it’s entire Malaysian U-Mobile stake of 16.5% to majority shareholder UTV for $100M = 0 loss/gain PR:
How does a mobile industry change? It reads the tea leaves in a cup. Ok – bad translation – more of that to come below.. +_+
Audi Japan launches new official mobile site on DoCoMo i-mode via I-Menu top page spot w/campaign info, screens etc. [J]