
V-Live vs. i-mode: Observations from Tokyo Big Sight

Tim Harrison’s speech was the highlight of Wireless Japan 2003 for many — an oasis of information in an otherwise dreary lineup of pat speeches by DoCoMo’s Tachikawa and KDDI’s Onodera. Harrison talked eloquently about the guiding principles that have let V-Live grow to 1.5 million, the lessons learned from Japan, and how their service is different from the domestically brilliant, and so far internationally dismal, performance of various i-modes.

Report: Wireless Japan 2003

Report: Wireless Japan 2003Japan’s wireless broadband networks are rapidly accelerating with the development of cutting-edge technologies and Wireless Japan 2003 is the place to see it all. We’ve put together quite a package from this year’s show, including an on-camera interview with Vodafone Global Content Services’ Tim Harrison on his view on how V-Live is different from i-mode. We grabbed shots of Sanyo’s OLED 3G concept-model handsets and KDDI Labs’ new TV-Mobile unit; and caught up with Gartner Japan’s Mitsuyama-san who gave us her take on this year’s conference. Full Program Run-time 15:35

Gartner Predicts; Convergence and Collision

Gartner Predicts; Convergence and CollisionThe WWJ team spent a day at the Gartner Predicts conference held inTokyo July 3; We came, we saw, we interviewed. The conference was a five-section event covering worldwide telecom trends and what is (maybe) going to happen in Japan. Note that we didn’t catch Gartner’s top analysts during breaks between the (generally interesting) presentations: we corralled them downstairs afterwards where we could fire off the questions we really wanted to ask. Our feature interview with Dean Eyers, Gartner Group vice president and worldwide director telecommunications, commented on the Japan vs. over-seas user profile, and offers an insight on the combination of WLAN and WCDMA for handsets of the future. Full Program Run-time 6:25

First International Moblog Conference

First International Moblog ConferenceThe 1imc is the first-ever gathering of everyone interested in moblogging, whether that interest is primarily in developing tools, platforms and standards to enable the practice, marketing products and services to support it, or in actually going out and doing it! This event is dedicated to the theory and experience of mobile Web publishing, with sessions focused on both technical and social aspects of this exploding practice. This Conference was explicitly chartered to introduce those developing the tools to those using them, and vice versa, so that interfaces and feature sets can be better tuned to the needs and desires of the emerging user base. Full Program Run-time 19:49

DoCoMo spotlights wireless success

The wide maturity gap between the wireless markets in the U.S. and Japan was highlighted Friday during NTT DoCoMo USA CEO Nobuharu Ono’s keynote address at CeBIT America, during which he spotlighted an array of popular Japanese DoCoMo products that won’t be arriving in the U.S. any time soon.