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Content Providers

Custom QR Code for Marc Jacobs Japan

Those talented and hyper-creative folks over at SET Japan keep cranking out the stylish QR codes with the un-veiling of their new creation for Marc Jacobs Japan. According to this announcement the latest design is a hand-drawn feature of the company mascot – Miss Marc – and will be used to drive traffic to their newly minted mobile website which launches today. Talk about style meets function.. Nice One!

QR Code Book with Twitter Feed

You just gotta love this simple yet effective innovation. An online bookstore in Brazil launched a campaign using a new exclusive book with only QR Codes inside.. so far so cool. However, the ‘never ending story’ routinely pulls keywords from Twitter feeds to keep updating the content! The first edition is already sold-out and they are looking at this platform now for future concepts as well. No doubt the good folks over at Denso Wave would be thrilled to hear about this one.

Manga Mode Launches in Europe

DoCoMo just announced that they will provide popular Japanese manga content for Europe with offerings via Bouygues Telecom becoming available as of today. The initial library of translated titles, including; NARUTO, DRAGON BALL and DEATH NOTE all published by SHUEISHA Inc., will be accessible under the the MANGA MODE section of the carriers mobile portal along with a dedicated reader.

MCN Powers Smart Search

MCN-Inc. has announced they have enabled the launch of Smart Search for Philippine-based Smart Communications, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PLDT. Smart Search is an SMS triggered discovery service that will be targeting the companies 37M subscribers who can use a shortcode to text queries for their favorite downloadable music content. Smart Search will be available for free during an initial promotional period after which each successful search will cost P1.00 per transaction.

Peru Decides to Adopt 1Seg Standard

The Transport and Communications Minister of Peru, Enrique Cornejo, has announced the country will officially adopt ISDB-T, the Japanese terrestrial digital TV system of technology. Cornejo made the announcement after a meeting between the head of State, Alan GarcĂ­a, and the Prime Minister of Japan envoy, Shunichi Yamaguchi, at the Government Palace. Japan will carry out several programs to assist in the implementation of digital television in Peru, such as human resource training and economic cooperation.

Louis Vuitton Styled Custom QR Code

The always-on Jean Snow posted an interesting tip on a groovy style QR Code campaign running for Louis Vuitton. Produced by SET, and designed by Takashi Murakami, this is definitely a level-up from the good old black & white standard. While we have covered several unusual 2D barcode offerings in the past, such as Design QR and Ishinokoe, this next-gen full color version certainly raises the bar.