Android by AU Smartphone Launch
Nov. 26th was launch date for the new Sharp android device in Japan via KDDI with upwards of 500k pre-ordered units
Nov. 26th was launch date for the new Sharp android device in Japan via KDDI with upwards of 500k pre-ordered units
Another puff article from a big name news org. who really should vet this stuff before going live full of holes and bluster..
Here’s a quick treat = TGIF! See one of the latest ad campaigns in Tokyo using dedicated LED screens & mobile NFC
Since all the merger action is finally settled, we expect alot of Jpn smartphone ‘droid action both here and abroad
Celsys, the mobile manga industry leader, goes public on TSE with bright futures in e-reader content markets
Onodera-san took the stage at Mobile Asia Congress to forecast jump of 15x in an already heavy use market like Japan!