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Search Results for: LifeWatcher

LifeWatcher Gets Red Herring Global Award

Mobile Healthcare has been selected as a winner of the Red Herring 100 Global Award. This list of the best 100 privately held companies in the world recognizes those that play a leading role in technology innovation around the globe. The company has been getting a lot of attention for it’s LifeWatcher application and we are pleased to note that WWJ spotted the significance of this story – video interview here – way back in 2003. Congrats!

LifeWatcher Gets Red Herring 100 Asia Award

Red Herring Magazine awarded Mobile Healthcare Inc., a Japan-based global healthcare solutions provider offering real-time mobile solutions in the areas of chronic and lifestyle disease management, the Red Herring 100 Asia 2007 Award. Winners were selected from a pool of more than 500 applicants and nominations based in 16 countries including China, India, Japan, Singapore, Korea, Australia and Vietnam.

Mobile Healthcare Launches Lifewatcher

After more than three years years in R&D, Tokyo-based Mobile Healthcare Inc. today announced the commercial launch of ‘Lifewatcher,’ a new disease management service that operates over mobile phones and the Internet. According to the company, Lifewatcher is a comprehensive, patient-centric, mobile disease self-management system for diabetes, obesity, and other lifestyle-related disease sufferers. It is critical for diabetes sufferers to track key health indicators such as blood sugar, blood pressure, calorie intake, exercise and their weight. WWJ posted a video interview with company president James Nakagawa on the then-under-development service in 2003.

Mobile Healthcare Named Tech Pioneer

Mobile Healthcare Named Tech PioneerThe World Economic Forum has named Japan-based Mobile Healthcare, and it’s Lifewatcher product, as a 2009 Technology Pioneer [.PDF]. The company, which develops real-time mobile health solutions for preventing and managing diabetes, obesity and other lifestyle-related illnesses became one of the 34 technology visionaries – full list Here – to be honoured at the 2009 World Economic Forum. The honourees, each recognized as being at the forefront of technology and innovation, were selected by the Forum from 320 finalists from around the world through a stringent review process by a 44-strong team of global experts.

Mobile Health Ushers in a New Era

A good interview with James Nakagawa on Japan Today; Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in Japan, but you don’t have to spend ages in a doctor’s waiting-room anymore to learn how to manage the affliction. Lifewatcher, a revolutionary service from Mobile Healthcare Inc, now provides a daily disease self-management system via your cell phone. He appeared on-camera with WWJ in Aug. 2003 see video interview here.