
Vodafone & bitWallet agree on Mobile FeliCa

Vodafone K.K. and bitWallet, Inc. announced today they would partner to provide Edy electronic money services to Vodafone K.K. Mobile FeliCa-compatible handsets, which are scheduled for an initial target date of October 2005. The main items of the agreement include bitWallet providing Edy electronic money clearing services to Vodafone K.K. Mobile FeliCa-compatible handsets, Edy e-money services to start when the handsets launch, and bitWallet will offer Edy e-money applications as Vodafone-compatible V-applis (these would be downloadable Java apps).

Mobile Phone Controlled by Shaking

The V603SH mobile phone (manufactured by Sharp of Japan) released by Vodafone KK in mid-February 2005 can be operated by shaking or tilting. With the menu screen displayed, the case can be tilted left-right or up-down, just like rolling a ball on your palm, to move the cursor in four or eight directions. By shaking the case in a preset fashion, the user can open specified menus or launch applications.

Japan Exporting BREW Mobile Game Contents

Japan Exporting BREW Mobile Game ContentsKDDI will export BREW-based mobile game know-how to American telecoms hungry for advanced mobile content. Game producers Interactive Brains and Mobcast Inc. are KDDI’s first partners in this venture. Mobcast will initially supply two games: a quick-draw shooting game, ‘Hayauchi Gunman’ and ‘Photo Aquarium,’ which lets you decorate pictures on a mobile phone with a mobile aquarium. Interactive Brains will provide a high-speed 3-D racing game, Lightstream, available here on Vodafone and au. The content will be offered by the Japanese game makers with KDDI providing collection services and taking a cut of the action. The company also intends to localize game software itself for marketing and distribution on overseas networks. According to Interactive Brains, their game is scheduled for release in the US between late summer and autumn.

Japan Mobile Telco's Q4 Forcast

NTT DoCoMo and KDDI Corp. may say Q4 operating profit fell as they paid retailers more to lure shoppers and promote new handsets. DoCoMo’s operating profit probably dropped 83 percent to 44.4 billion yen ($420 million) in the three months ended March 31, according to the median targets of nine analysts in a Bloomberg survey. The company’s biggest rival in Japan, KDDI, may say operating profit, or sales minus the cost of goods sold and administrative expenses, fell 6.8 percent to 53.5 billion yen.

Vodafone K.K. Applies for 1.7GHz W-CDMA 3G Field Test License

Vodafone K.K. announced that today it has applied to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for licenses to operate W-CDMA experimental radio stations on the 1.7GHz frequency band, marking the first time in Japan for an existing 3G mobile operator to apply for a field test license on this frequency band. After receiving a field test license, Vodafone K.K. plans to conduct field tests for approximately 6 months in Chiba prefecture to investigate radio wave propagation characteristics and building shadowing effects, as well as measure in-building penetration loss while operating on the 1.7GHz frequency band.

Mobile Karaoke Rocks Russia

Launched last week by one of the leaders in the content provider market, a service called INFON offers 20 karaoke song files that can be downloaded on all mobile networks. The sing-along craze that originated in Japan moved into mobile telephony two years ago, based on Java applications that Irish technology firm Alatto developed for the European market. In 2003, Vodafone Japan launched a service that allowed subscribers to “practise” songs and, later, to plug their handset into a TV to watch the lyrics on the big screen, while singing into the phone mouthpiece.