
Sony Ships 200 Million FeliCa Chips

Shipments of smart cards and cell phones containing Sony Corp.’s Felica RFID chip have hit 200 million, the company said Thursday. In the last five years the chip has become a de facto standard in Japan and cards containing it are used by millions of people everyday to make railway journeys and e-money purchases in convenience stores. In 2004 the chip started getting integrated in cell phones [WWJ Video] and today, through Felica, owners of those cell phones can make purchases in stores.

KDDI's Sold 2 Million Digital TV Phones

If you stop somebody at the streets of Tokyo who is watching digital broadcasting TV on his mobile handset and ask who is his carrier provider, chances are high the answer will be KDDI au. Having started selling its first one-seg model — the Sanyo W33SA (discontinued) — in December 2005, KDDI au expanded its one-seg portfolio to 12 models, resulting in two million units sold as of February 23, 2007. According to GfK Japan, (as quoted in this KDDI press release — Eds) au group has sold more one-seg compatible handsets than its rivals, grabbing 59.96% of the total market share. WWJ has video demo. with one of KDDI’s early 1Seg. enabled models running Here.

KDDI Continues Net Subscriber Advantage

The CDMA Development Group has congratulated KDDI for signing up more new users than their rivals since Japan’s mobile number portability (MNP) rules took effect on October 24, 2006. While more than one million subscribers changed their service provider between October 24, 2006 and January 31, 2007, KDDI has witnessed a net increase of 600,000 3G subscribers. The other Japanese operators have seen a net reduction. Also, when considering all new subscriptions within the three months ending in January 2007, KDDI garnered 67 percent of the total number of net subscriptions.

Aurora Lights up Japanese Mobiles

“Live!Aurora” is beaming the sights of the aurora borealis from Alaska straight to mobile phones in Japan. Due to the time zone difference, Japanese consumers can enjoy the sites of the aurora between lunchtime and evening. As well as being able to watch streaming video of northern lights, the site also offers video on demand and still images for download. Offered as a subscription service costing 315 yen per month ($2.60).

Ketai Spring Fashion Parade

Celebrating the fast approaching arrival of spring in Japan we have noticed a significant increase in cellphone fashion action lately.. even Wired magazine is getting into the game! Samantha Thavasa has barbie-doll pink N903i designer handset due out in March and Omote Sando Hills held a glitzy fashion show over the weekend to feature Sony Ericcson’s new 703i-series model (yes that would be the smell-phone) complete with a custom TinkerBell design by Disney. JiJi Press video after the jump.

3GSM 2007 Award Winners

The 12th Annual GSM Association Global Mobile Awards were announced last night in Barcelona at the annual industry event which showcases the best of the mobile world. The stars of the night were the 2007 Global Mobile Awards winners, whose achievements provide an insight into the services, devices and innovation that are taking the mobile industry forward. Sony Ericsson’s K800 CyberShot handset won best 3G handset and Tokyo based I-play’s “The Fast and the Furious” took Best Made for Mobile Game. See the full category list and winners after the jump.