
Sony and NTT DoCoMo Form Joint Venture Co. for FeliCa Business

Sony Corporation and NTT DoCoMo, Inc. have agreed to form a Joint Venture Company to develop new services based on mobile phones equipped with Sony’s contactless IC Card technology FeliCa(R). The Joint Venture is targeted for establishment in January 2004. Discussions between Sony and DoCoMo will continue to finalize the details of this company which will be named: FeliCa Networks, Inc.

3G Phones Attract Attention at CeBIT

NEC set up a large booth of 200 square meters that is closest to the entrance and exhibited only mobile phones. The demonstration of 3G mobile phones attracted attention from visitors. The company exhibited two models supporting both W-CDMA and GSM that it markets in foreign countries, including Great Britain and Australia.

SONY Announces Commercialization of Ultra-small Digital Tuner

Sony Corporation introduces a small-size digital tuner module, capable of receiving 1-segment digital terrestrial TV broadcasting signal and digital terrestrial radio broadcasting signal, its sample shipment starting in the beginning of December this year. In order to achieve applications into various mobile products, the industry’s smallest size of approx. 20mm x 16mm x 2mm in external dimension and the industry’s lowest power consumption of less than 150mW have been achieved.

Mobile Kaizen and Why Japan Still Matters

Conventional wisdom teaches that Japan’s mobile industry is at least 18 months in front of Europe (and years ahead of the US). That truism is no more, however, as Europe’s cellular carriers, handset makers, and wireless Internet content providers have sweated blood to catch up – and catch up they have indeed. Daniel Scuka is in Germany this fall where he’s helping WWJpartner Mobile Economy conduct a series of seminarsentitled “Mobile Kaizen in Japan” examining how Japan’s mobileindustry maintains its lead through the continuous roll-out of improvementsin all aspects of the wireless Internet.

Java Streaming for the Wireless Web

Java Streaming for the Wireless WebAs the march towards rich-media solutions for mobile continues, some partsof the evolution remain a challenge – such as common standards and digitalrights management. But the Java virtual machine offers several advantagesfor the carriers, device manufacturers, content developers and end users. This week’s program digs into the details with Tim Smith, managing director of Hello Network Asia. *Disclosure Note* HNA has been an active technology partner for WWJ since our inception. However we strongly feel that this support should not exempt the company from fair coverage of their recent successful mobile application deployments. Full Program Run-time 17:20

We'rrrrre Back!!

Wireless Watch Japan is back – with a new URL, a new Web site, new staff, anda new service model. We’re ready to go for a 2003 fast proving to be a breakout year for wireless in Japan. WWJ regulars will recall that our last email newsletter and video programwere posted around April 30. Since then, the site’s been in hibernation mode while we rebuilt the backend, upgraded servers, and thought long and hardabout how to place WWJ onto a sustainable, future-oriented footing. And Here We Are!