
Japan Considering LAN Tax

Japan’s telecommunications ministry reportedly plans to introduce a new tax for spectrum used by home information appliances and high-bandwidth wireless local area networks. The proposed fee would be collected when users purchase LAN products, according to a media report. We’re waiting for the ‘crats to propose a tax on garage door openers next.

Hello Hot Spots: Wi-Fi Sniffing

Hello Hot Spots: Wi-Fi SniffingDo you need hassle-free WiFi & Bluetooth connectivity? Of course you do (so do we, come to think of it!) and Hiromasa Takato, product manager at Toshiba’s Global Strategic Planning Group, claims that their ConfigFree software will soothe you into a seamless WiFi connection wherever and with whatever Bluetooth-enabled device(s) you have at hand. WWJ took Hiro, his Pocket PC e805 PDA, his laptop, and a Toshiba A5504T (au) cellie for a test run — and a beer — in downtown Shinjuku. With hotspots multiplying like tribbles and all the buzz about VoIP and Bluetooth-enabled keitai about to boom, this is definitely a WWJ peek at the future — right here and now. Subscribers read on to get the full skinny! Full Program Run-time 12:51, also available in Real Player and Quick-Time formats.

Japan 3G Phones Raising the Bar

Japan 3G Phones Raising the BarToday we look at some of the highlights from NTT DoCoMo’s 1 June 2004 press conference announcing the release of three new 3G cellphone each of which includes new functionality not seen before in the Japan market. This press event is typical for a new handset announcement; all three of Japan’s major cellcos (NTT DoCoMo, KDDI, Vodafone) conduct similar sessions for their new model releases. Today’s models all make the first FOMA handsets released back in late 2001 look fatter, clunkier, and more awful than ever. The battery life issues have been solved, and these sleek clam-shell beauties are more sophisticated than ever before.

Full Program Run-time 5:04, also available in Real Player and Quick-Time formats.

DoCoMo Unveils New FOMA 900is

NTT DoCoMo, Inc. and its eight regional subsidiaries today unveiled three highly advanced handsets that will bring unprecedented functionality to the 3G FOMA® 900i series. The release date for each model will be announced soon. The companies also announced that the number of FOMA service subscribers surpassed the four million mark yesterday, just two months after reaching three million. The coming release of three new 900i handsets is expected to stimulate continued rapid growth of the FOMA subscriber base.

DoCoMo President-Elect Nakamura: A Man with a Mission

In an intervew with Nikkei BP, NTT DoCoMo’s new president Masao Nakamura has said he has three major goals; increase 3G FOMA subscribers, dig out new revenue sources such as mobile e-commerce and enhance customer satisfaction. After posting its highest ever operating profit of 1, 103 billion yen in the year to March 2004, it certainly looks as if Nakamura has his work cut out for him, especially as — on the surface of it at least — KDDI au seems to have consistently knocked the socks off DoCoMo in terms of gleaning 3G subs.

New Nokia 3G Mobile Phone for Japan

The dual-mode GSM / W-CDMA “Nokia 7600” handset which was announced last October will finally hit the streets in Japan by middle of June. At the suggested retail price of 73,290 yen (or approx. $700 usd) and apparently not supporting Vodafone Live, although it conforms to the .3gpp standard, we wonder just how well this will be recieved. The unit does have a camera built-in its stylish Euro design [.jpg image] to compliment the bluetooth and global roaming sim card functions, and will be available at Nokia shops online and at Narita airport.