
The Mobile Phone Number Portability Fairy Cometh

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Japan’s equivalent of The Financial Times or The Wall Street Journal, reported on Sunday September 7 that Japan will introduce number portability to keitai from 2005. If you’re not familiar with this system, it allows you tokeep your cell phone number when you switch between carriers and thus removes one of the significant barriers to jumping ship and signing up with a rival provider. Now call me a cynic if you like, but doesn’t it seem a little too convenient that this system is being introduced just as it is becoming difficult to sign up new subscribers?

DoCoMo Press Conference: Exclusive Access

DoCoMo Press Conference: Exclusive AccessOn Sept. 4th WWJ attended the Otemachi Corporate News Room for a press conference hosted by DoCoMo President and CEO Dr. Keiji Tachikawa. He covered a wide range of topics including; a new carry-over billing plan and upgraded service offerings for FOMA, brisk sales – 2.7 million units – of the recently launched 505 series handsets and the new ‘Hearty Style’ campaign package for handicapped users. He also took questions regarding their current and upcoming 3G activities in China and Taiwan, and offered his personal thoughts on the differing strategies between DoCoMo and Vodafone. If you need the full-skinny, in English, we’re the only game in town! Full Program Run-time 21:19

DoCoMo to Market New Compact, Lightweight FOMA Videophone

NTT DoCoMo and its eight regional subsidiaries today announced that they will begin marketing the 3G N2102V videophone from July 18, 2003. The smallest in the FOMA series, the new model boasts a compact and lightweight (109g) design that is on a par with 2G handsets. It also features an enhanced mail function and longer battery life. The N2102V’s enhanced Speed photo mail function allows users to simultaneously call and send mail with attached photos taken either on-the-spot or previously saved. When enabled, the function automatically displays the e-mail address link of the person being called.

NTT DoCoMo Camera Phone Offers World's Highest Resolution

NTT DoCoMo, Inc. and its eight regional subsidiaries announced today that on June 4, 2003 they will begin marketing the SO505i, the world’s first camera phone equipped with a 1.3-megapixel (effective resolution) CCD camera. This is the second model in the new 505i series of enhanced-2G handsets. Equipped with a Flash browser, 505i series handsets can access a broad range of rich content and applications with highly fluid animation.