Japan Wearable Tech Expo Event in Tokyo
Japan Wearable Tech Expo Event in Tokyo

Japan Wearable Tech Expo Event in Tokyo

Japan Wearable Tech Expo Event in Tokyo

Impressive speaker line-up and agenda for the Wearable Tech Japan Expo event running here 2-full days next week! http://bit.ly/1gReZGg

Japan has always been one of the most advanced countries in the mobile technology field, leading the way with the most advanced communications infrastructure. In preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Japan is honing its technology even further and as a result the domestic media communication technology market is growing rapidly.

The event will be a collaboration of Japan’s beautiful cultural arts and modern technology. Key players in the healthcare, fitness, sports, automotive, fashion, print and broadcast media will be present to discuss the future of wearable technology! Gain perspectives on how wearable tech devices and technology differ from each other, how and why they work the way they do, and discover what lies ahead for the billion dollar industry.