New Tech & Services
New Tech & Services

Aplix Reaches Agreement for Linux

Aplix has announced that it reached a licensing agreement with NEC Corp. and Panasonic Mobile Communications on MOAP to offer integrated solutions for Linux-based mobile phones. The license allows Aplix to design and develop software solutions for mobile phones using the MOAP Linux platform co-developed by NEC, Panasonic Mobile and NTT DoCoMo, and to sublicense this technology to other handset manufacturers.

Gemini Launches Mobile Community Platform

Gemini Mobile Technologies has announced a new software platform to power mobile communities. The Gemini platform, called eXplo, is the foundation of a new 3D interface from SoftBank Mobile Corporation in Japan, named S! TOWN. SoftBank Mobile’s new S! Town-enabled phones are available today throughout Japan on selected Sharp and Toshiba phone models. Gemini expects to announce new carriers and content providers for eXplo in the coming months.

Cellphones to Translate Japanese-English

Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute International (ATR), a private laboratory in Seikacho, Kyoto Prefecture, has recently developed Internet software for cell phones that translates Japanese sentences into English and vice versa. Major cell phone firms plan to introduce the software as part of their new services by the end of the year. Software for Chinese translations will be available next spring.

Wireless HD Coming in 2008

A collection of the biggest powers in consumer electronics, including LG, Matsushita (Panasonic), Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, and SiBEAM announced today that they are teaming together to ratify a standard for wireless high-def signal transmission. United as a technology group going under the name WirelessHD, the companies aim to have a finalized specification in spring 2007. The WirelessHD (WiHD) standard will allow for uncompressed, digital transmission of HD video and audio signals, essentially making it equivalent, in theory, to wireless HDMI.

Shockwave to Distribute Japanese Flash Games

CELL Co. Ltd, the leading developer of mobile content in Japan, announced today that it has signed a distribution deal with to bring CELL’s most popular mobile games to the US market. will distribute CELL’s games through its live Shockwave Minis offering available to Verizon Wireless customers on select Get It Now-enabled phones. This is the first time CELL games will be available to US customers.