New Tech & Services
New Tech & Services

JRC Introduces Wireless Broadband Solution

Japan Radio Co. (JRC) announced the new WIPAS-26 series, a broadband wireless point-to-multipoint communication system operating at 26 GHz providing high-speed IP access at up to 80 Mbps, is ready for worldwide distribution. The system was co-developed with NTT in order to enable a wireless broadband solution designed to deliver connection speeds competative to an optical cable network.

Acrodea Signs Vivid Deal with DoCoMo

Tokyo-based Acrodea has made several recent announcements, in Japanese only, concerning the adoption of their Vivid product suite with handset makers across all three operators. The most significant of which would be the inclusive licensing agreement concluded with DoCoMo for their Vivid UI to be deployed on all models scheduled to be released going forward. The companies Panorama and 3D Message middleware is also now available on handsets from Sharp and Sanyo via SoftBank Mobile and KDDI respectively. See WWJ’s hands-on demo. video of the UI in action Here.

Media-FLO Info for Japan

Qualcomm quietly opened on 1 August as part of the companies march to launch their mobile tv broadcast services in Japan. The Japanese only version includes overview materials, links to the FloForum and Mobile Media Planning Corp., which is wholly-owned by SoftBank, along with a sign-up form for their mail magazine. No official press release announcing the new site could be found, in English or Japanese, at the time of this posting.

Bandai Adds Cameraphone Music Search

Bandai Networks has announced a new mobile phone service that allows cameraphone users to take a photo of a CD cover or poster and search for the information about that artist or band. Users can then click the link in the returned content to easily access a mobile site containing detailed product info. and (hopefully) purchase related products directly from their phone. Those sneaky capitalists!

Media Groove Unveils Chipuya Town

According to Infinita, Media Groove Inc. will beta launch a new mobile SNS service on September 15. Chipuya Town is a Flash-based 2D version of real-world Tokyo youth hotspot Shibuya that users will be able to navigate around and interact in with avatars. The offering also features a virtual currency system which can be redeemed for avatar clothing as well as interior goods for avatar rooms, and according to the press release for mobile content such as full track music downloads, too.