
Ad:Tech Tokyo Conference 2009

We attended the inaugural Ad:Tech Tokyo conference yesterday at the Prince Park Tokyo hotel to wander the trade floor and take in a few presentations. The “Effective Mobile Marketing Tools & Case Studies” panel was a clearly a must attend, and the room was packed. Moderated by Akihiko Tokuhisa, Director and CTO of the Digital Advertising Consortium, with presentations by Shigeki Tanaka, GM of Corp. Strategy at FeliCa Networks, Alvin Foo VP for APAC at Velti, John Largerling, VP and GM for AdMob Japan and our very own colleague Kei Shimada CEO at Infinita. Some very interesting slides during that session which was closed with very wise observations by Tokuhisa-san, impressive!

Japan Telecom at ITU World 2009

ITU World 2009 runs again this year, Oct. 5 – 9 in Geneva, with 18 Japanese Telecom leaders on-hand to discuss ICTs for economic growth. With its focus on development opportunities, the event brings together corporate social responsibility and displays cases of best practices. As always it looks to be a fantastic high-level gathering and we hope to be there!

Wireless Japan 2009 Reports

The crew at RBB Today did a fantastic job [in Japanese] covering the annual Wireless Japan conference and exhibition at the Big Sight convention hall, starting with this video demo of augmented reality by DoCoMo R&D labs. We were at the show this year, running the summer edition of Mobile Monday Tokyo event there on the 24th, and must say while there was still several interesting products on display the current economic situation certainly dampened the usual buzz.

CTIA Wireless Event in Las Vegas

CTIA in Vegas - Video ReportWe’re finally back, and fully recovered, from the the annual CTIA Wireless event held last month in Las Vegas. As you might imagine living large on the strip for almost a whole week took a certain degree of – ahem – stamina, but we did manage to spend some valuable time the show floor, had several meetings in the VIP lounge, some interviews in the media room and a few ‘interesting’ connections in Caesars Palace.

While it’s only be fair to expect, considering the current economic times, that YoY attendance would be down as was the case during Mobile World Congress in February. That being said, the trade exhibitors – and delegates in general – seemed plenty up-beat with both Samsung and LG front and center in full force with along with all the usual suspects taking hefty square footage at LVCC. Of course there were a few Japanese players represented with DoCoMo, Fujitsu and Kyocera, who had an entire section of Sanyo handsets, both taking space to demo their products and services.

Kyocera Demos iBurst at CTIA

Kyocera Communications, a sales, marketing and service organization for Kyocera and Sanyo-branded products in the Americas, presented their technology portfolio of four broadband wireless devices at the CTIA trade show in Las Vegas. Along with its full line of mobile phones, the company showed a prototype all-in-one LTE base station along with three iBurst terminal devices in its booth at this years event.