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Cell-Phone Soap Opera a Cool New Genre

Love comes to the really, really small screen in a mobile, only-in-Japan, soap opera made exclusively for KDDI 3G cellys. The live-action soap opera, Yokohama 80s, follows the predictable lives, loves, and losses of young, beach-loving Japanese boys and girls back when Madonna was still Like a Virgin. Eighties’ big hair, big shoulders, and big hits have been downsized to tiny, two-and-a-half-minute broadcast bites. The story is adapted from Shogakan Shukan’s weekly Big Comic Spirits-series “Tokyo Eighties” (published as a serial manga) but features all-new original characters and storylines by the same author. Can the mobile laundry soap commercials be far behind?

Cell Phones Morph into Music Players

Watch out, iPod! The hottest mobile news on planet Earth this week is KDDI’s announcement of a full-song mobile download service for 3G. If the service launches as planned, the profits could be enormous for carriers and labels alike. But all is not well in Japan’s mobile music land and those pesky FTC raids are just part of the worry.Part 1 of a Series.

KDDI Annouces Full Song Service

The first mobile phone service enabling full-length songs to be downloaded to handsets is to be launched by a Japanese telco group that believes it has found the “killer application” that will transform 3G mobile technology. KDDI, Japan’s second biggest telecoms company, is set to launch the service late next month. Users will be able to choose from 10,000 songs on six websites and download them for the equivalent of a few US dollars, each.

BBMF Mobile Games for Japan

Han Lian, chief executive officer of mobile game software maker BBMF Corp., said entering the Japanese market made him feel like an alien landing on a new world. BBMF, which stands for Big Blue Magic Fire, was founded in 2002 by Lian and a friend, Antony Yip. The Japan unit will be set up in the coming months and 10 titles are scheduled to be offered on KDDI and Vodafone handsets.

Manga for Mobile: Video Preview

Manga for Mobile: Video PreviewJapan’s 3G networks enable new types of high-bandwidth mobile content that weren’t viable under 2G for either economic or technical reasons. One of the coolest is mobile manga, delivering full-color comic book magazines to cell phones. There’s a manga stuffed in every Japanese commuter’s back pocket (together with a ketai), so porting manga to keitai could make an awful lot of money for content producers. It’ll also save a bunch of trees. Wireless Watch Japan was at Mobidec 2004 recently held in Tokyo and files this sneak preview from Digital Garage Mobile’s booth.

Ulead's Video ToolBox Designed for Sharing Video from Mobile Phones

Ulead Systems announces Video ToolBox 2, the first PC video converter for editing and sharing video taken on 3G-enabled mobile phones. Video ToolBox lets users import video from mobile phones, edit video clips by trimming, adding music and transitions, and outputting to a variety of video formats for playback on the Web, CD/DVD and on 3G mobile phones.