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iTunes Japan preps August launch

Apple will launch its iTunes Music Store in Japan this August, according to AFX News. A brief report states that major Japanese label Avex has agreed to license songs to Apple’s soon-to-launch iTunes Japan Music Store. Avex is the first major Japanese label to agree terms with Apple for servicing songs through the service, the report observes.

Vodafone Japan to Open Network

Vodafone will consider hosting so-called virtual network operators as part of a move to target specific market segments. The world’s largest mobile phone operator has so far been very selective in letting potential rivals on to its networks around the world, although it recently signed a deal with Extreme Sports in the UK. The change of direction was revealed on Tuesday by Bill Morrow, the former head of the UK business, who was parachuted into the troubled subsidiary three months ago as part of a management shake-up.

Overseas Mobile Games Enter Japan

Best of West rides into townNow here’s a twist: just when we’ve spilled a lot of ink lately telling you how Japanese mobile Internet players are succeeding overseas, in comes a press release from Dublin, Ireland-based Upstart Games Ltd. announcing that their Tokyo subsidiary, Upstart KK, has launched what they call the first multi-carrier service dedicated to providing Japanese mobilers with access to popular US and European games. With a catchy name and the allure of foreign brands, the “Best of West” gaming contents channel may just grab a few thumbs, not to mention per-download revenues.

Entertainment firms the ones to watch

According to the PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) report, Global Entertainment and Media Outlook: 2005-2009, the media and entertainment (M&E) industry will increase at a 7.3 percent compound annual growth rate to $1.8 trillion in 2009. The US remains the largest M&E market but not the fastest-growing one. It has been outpaced by Asia/Pacific where China is on track to overtake Japan as the region’s entertainment giant by 2008.

Cybird Expands Overseas

Cybird Co., a Japanese provider of games, ring tones and other content for mobile phones, agreed to pay $60 million for a majority stake in closely held Airborne Entertainment Inc. to expand in North America. Cybird announced the acquisition in a release to the Tokyo Stock Exchange after the close of regular trading on Japanese markets. It plans to sign a contract on June 23, and receive the shares on June 30.

Manga Doctor for 3G Phones

Manga Doctor for 3G PhonesAn unlicensed but brilliant surgeon — himself terribly scarred — prepares to take on another apparently hopeless case, this time right on the cell-phone screen. Black Jack, a series of immensely popular comics from Tetsuwan Atom’s (Astro Boy) creator Osamu Tezuka has decided to make the jump to wireless and is coming to KDDI 3G mobile phones. For 315 yen a month, readers can download Black Jack’s medical adventures twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. Stories of this anti-hero have been serialized for 30 years in Japan, continuing long after the death of Tezuka. Black Jack has had his own live TV drama, video animation and animated TV series, and now he’s going mobile.