<span class="vcard">editors</span>

Behind the Faceplate of Sharp's 921SH

The Nikkei Electronics ‘Teardown Squad’ has cracked open the 921SH handset by Sharp which recently became available via SoftBank Mobile. One of the main features of this model, touted successor to the 913SH and 920SH released last year, is of course the fingertip tracing sensitive screen and motion control sensor functionality. In a valiant effort “to determine the differences and similarities” between the past and present models they have posted detailed findings, with photos, Here. We also noted their Dissecting the Japanese Mobile Phone article posted back in March.

Mobile Marketing for the 21st Century

Our research partners over at Infinita have just pulled the wraps off a new report focused on mobile advertising and marketing in Japan. As usual the materials are detailed and informative and nearly as deep as the niche itself. If you’re at all interested in this important segment then we suggest a review of (at very least) the free sample — details here — would most certainly be time well spent.

DoCoMo Marks a Strategic Shift

DoCoMo Marks a Strategic ShiftMasao Nakamura, President and CEO of NTT DoCoMo, made a presentation here recently to announce the companies new corporate identity, and more importantly strategy, will be ‘reborn’ after careful consideration of the ever evolving domestic mobile industry. He characterized the years past as a period defined by innovation driven tactics to gain new net subscribers and increase market share. However, with recent developments — including the impact of Mobile Number Portability, intense competition from new operators and the end of subsidized handset offerings — the environment has changed. Feeling that the DoCoMo “brand had diminished” and the company was “facing a crisis” Nakamura-san established (and led) the new branding division announced in August 2007.

On behalf of DoCoMo he pledged four commitments as the platform base:

1 – Polish-up the brand and strengthen ties with the customers
2 – Listen to the voices of customers and become a company that can beat their expectations
3 – Continue making innovations and aim to become a company highly appraised by the world
4 – Become a group of people with lively spirits who will keep-on challenging toward a common dream

Following those “Pillars” Nakamura-san stated that going forward the expectations of their existing subscribers will be given the highest priority. Together with special advisor Masahikko Uatoni, Chairman of Coca-Cola Japan, they began by reviewing market data and customer opinions to map a future roadmap, which clearly goes far beyond a new logo, for the company.

Sharp Maintains Top Spot in 2007

Sharp sold the most mobile handsets in Japan during fiscal 2007, with 25% market share, to hold top spot for the 3rd consecutive year according to data released by MM Research Institute. The company boosted handset shipments by an impressive 23% YoY, for a total of 12.76 million units, setting a new record as their Aquos branded LCD models proved to be a popular choice with growing consumer demand to watch 1Seg digital tv broadcasts. Overall, the domestic handset sales increased 2.9% to a new record of 50.76 million units.

Japan Telcos Announce Fiscal 2007 Results

NTT DoCoMo’s 2007 fiscal year ended on March 31st and the company has posted their earnings release (.pdf) Here. Operating revenues were off 1.6% YoY while operating income of 808.3 billion jpy, or approx. $8B usd, was up 4.5% with the net income growing by 7.4% to 491 billion jpy. Operating revenues, operating income, income before taxes and net income for fiscal 2008 were estimated to increase 1.2%, 2.7%, 4.3% and 2.4% respectively. See the details from KDDI and SoftBank Mobile – as available – after the jump.

Joint Venture to Create Mobile Widgets

SoftBank Mobile, along with China Mobile and Vodafone, is planning to set up an ‘Joint Innovation Lab’ in order to promote the future development of applications for enhanced mobile internet service offerings. According to this statement from the SoftBank corp. website [in Japanese] the 3-way JV will focus on mobile widgets that ensure cross platform operations for security, privacy and billing. This new effort aims to develop an enviroment that will encourage advanced software services, although the lab is apparently awaiting regulatory approval.