KDDI Rolls E06SH Device & SaaS
KDDI rolls E06SH unit & Saas plan, voice/data, 2D scan, WiMo 6.1 Pro, GPS, WiFi, waterproof, fingerprint biometrics [J]
KDDI rolls E06SH unit & Saas plan, voice/data, 2D scan, WiMo 6.1 Pro, GPS, WiFi, waterproof, fingerprint biometrics [J]
Aplix announced [in Japanese] they will introduce their Mobile Game Deployer – MGD – application targeted at domestic content providers in order to enable auto transcoding for the Windows Mobile Marketplace. Designed to convert existing i-Appli programs, originally configured to run on i-mode terminal specs, the software will apparently also handle the tricky touch and rotation panel functions.
DoCoMo tv campaign video for HTC Google Android handset [J] You don’t need to understand Jpn for this!
DoCoMo tv campaign video for Pro Series featuring Toshiba-01A “is it pc or mobile phone? it’s both!” [J]
NicoNico Douga hits 400K paid subs at $5 month. On docomo i-menu w/billing from 3 Aug. Live Mobile Broadcast is Hot! [J]
Sharp begins 3G handset sales in China, 1st for Japan ODM. Priced at $700 per unit & forecast 5,000 shops by year-end [J]