Microsoft Buries Kin for Win7
A sudden death, debuted in April, for the two low-budget devices produced by Sharp for MS.. all eyes on Win7 Jpn:
A sudden death, debuted in April, for the two low-budget devices produced by Sharp for MS.. all eyes on Win7 Jpn:
SoftBank Mobile Announces Femto Giveaway – including free ADSL plan with long term contract
For those who wonder Why Japan Couldn’t Make a Phone Like This.. it would be easy to shred your one-way approach, maybe we’ll get around to that yet. Meanwhile, lets just look forward for now shall we..?!?
A quick review of the new F-06B for DoCoMo by Fujitsu just released to the market here on June 12th. It’s the first example, that we can find, of a waterproof handset that has both slider and twister design, guess that was an engineering challenge. Touting 13MB camera with 4128×3096 .jpg resolution and full touch screen – with scrawling input – on 3.5 inch WVGA TFT display at 16.77 million colors or 480×960 dots. Continue>>
FreeBit has announced new Photoframe, running on Android, that does much more than pix! Jpn:
Gigazine interview with KDDI related to potential of HTC EVO 4G and rumored CDMA iPhone in Japan.. Jpn:
Seed Planning research est. 1.7M iPhones sold in Japan for 2009. Jpn: via @yaromir