Take the Sharp Droid for a Stroll
KDDI Designing Studio in Harajuku will let you run around the ‘hood with their spanking new Sharp “IS01” device! Jpn: http://bit.ly/aBkPjc
KDDI Designing Studio in Harajuku will let you run around the ‘hood with their spanking new Sharp “IS01” device! Jpn: http://bit.ly/aBkPjc
RBB Today does 1-on-1 interview with DoCoMo leading up to the annual tradeshow at Tokyo BigSite – Jpn: http://bit.ly/9f6XVY
Free new integrated mobile ad platform “myRTmobile” with four key offerings launched by Maqs Ltd Jpn: http://bit.ly/b2SRwc
KDDI America introduced the HTC Hero with droid 2.1 and Jpn language input software on July 2nd Jpn: http://bit.ly/9KrDcn
Long and detailed interview with local Mozilla crew, incld. some hands-on video Jpn: http://bit.ly/apM9HZ
DoCoMo announces i-Channel will debut in Philippines via local partner Smart Telecom Jpn: http://bit.ly/cT4tOz