3.11 Looking Back – Looking Forward
On the 1st anniversary of the tragic events of March 11th, 2011 we pause to reflect on the past & future: http://bit.ly/y3ysfj
On the 1st anniversary of the tragic events of March 11th, 2011 we pause to reflect on the past & future: http://bit.ly/y3ysfj
Konami and GREE roll-out their new Star Wars game as Phantom Menace 3D is set for debut in Japan: http://bit.ly/vYZaMw
FujiTV announced co-op campaign for Sakura Ninja (not so) Angry Birds in Japan.. for PC browsers! http://bit.ly/wdylLW
The latest official TCA subscriber numbers were published yesterday, SBM continues to show the way: http://bit.ly/zmcybp
SoftBank Mobile opens their swanky new flagship store on Ginza = Congrats! Lots of pix & vdo clip here: http://bit.ly/Ah52JE
Interesting stats for mobile gaming in Japan; users by age, gender and paid rates on Gree, Mobage: http://bit.ly/zi1UqA