SoftBank Wins Tokyo LTE Speed Tests
SoftBank Wins Tokyo LTE Speed Tests

SoftBank Wins Tokyo LTE Speed Tests

SoftBank Wins Tokyo LTE Speed Tests

iPhone 5s download speeds avg. from 15 spots in Tokyo: DCM at 16M, AU hit 17.5 and SBM wins with 19Mbps

Machine Translation:
MMD Institute was conducted in 20 cities in September, their survey results show Softbank (26.45Mbps), au (22Mbps), DoCoMo average speed of descent was (18.21Mbps). So, we conducted a test of the outdoor 15 locations in Tokyo, indoor, underground in the editorial department.

Terminal that was used, a total of six DoCoMo version iPhone 5s, au version iPhone 5s, au version iPhone 5c, au version iPhone 5, Softbank version iPhone 5s, Softbank version of iPhone 5.