KDDI Migrates LISMO Music Platform
KDDI migrates LISMO Unlimited monthly music service to their KKBOX platform with Apps for all operators

Machine Translation:
From June 2013, KDDI, Okinawa Cellular will renewal service delivery all-you-can-listen music smartphone, tablet towards “KKBOX”, “LISMO unlimited powered by Rekochoku” the service delivery all-you-can-listen music au smartphones.
Other enjoy to continuing service delivery music all-you-can listen to line up the street, customers of the use of the “LISMO unlimited” is favorable reception abroad ever (including tax) in 980 yen monthly information fee even after the renewal You’re looking at features such as “” Listen with “listen together” to share in real time with other users playing state of the music, you can enjoy a chat while listening to music together is also available from HP.
“KKBOX” is a service delivery all-you-can-listen music that is provided Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia by KKBOX Inc, has received available to many customers. Future, in addition to enhance Japanese music, the Western line-up, latest music of Asia, such as C-POP is also available from HP.
Update: The KKBOX Announcement in English here.