Sony Announces Music Unlimited Offer
Sony has unveiled their Music Unlimited platform for Android offering unlimited access to +1,000 songs for $15 month:
Music Unlimited, a service that becomes unlimited listening on various devices of more than 1,000 songs Hogaku-Western million were connected to the Internet for $ 1,480 for 30 days. Personal computer equipped with Windows and Mac OS is, of course, mobile device Android Android smartphone or tablet, such as PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3, etc. available in the BRAVIA. and has been since mid-July will be supported for onboard equipment, such as iPad and iOS iPhone. The format is HE-AAC (48kbps).

The service assumes use of streaming will be available in the form of a streaming basically means that per agreement. However, to enjoy music even in communication environments such as airplanes and subway is not available, for mobile devices such as PlayStation Vita Android or the functions are available offline, 4,000 songs, if a terminal Android, 1000 songs if PlayStation Vita so that the upper limit that can be stored in the terminal. Per contract, you can register up to three mobile devices.