Sharp Robo Vacuum – Now App Enabled
Sharp has just announced their new Robo Vacuum, the RX-100, that can be controlled by your smartphone!
Gosh.. our kitty is gonna just ‘love’ this new addition to the family.. 😎 [Eds]
Sharp has entered the consumer electronics business to a new robot, to release “(Kokorobo) COCOROBO” robot vacuum cleaner as a product of the bullet. Two models will be based model and “RX-V80”, further comprising a wireless LAN, “RX-V100” will be the lineup. “RX-V100” in early June release are provided integrated functions for use with smartphones. About cooperation smartphone “V100” can operate on Android 2.3/4.0, iPhone since iOS 5 4, iPhone 4S, iPad, iPad 2 and iPod touch with a dedicated app.

The company was supposed to be cleaner as the robot is first turned on, we propose a consumer robot that features voice recognition and artificial intelligence, sensors, and smart phone collaboration. As a feature, a message of, “V100” equipped with a “heart engine artificial intelligence”, as well as communication by speech recognition has become possible, smartphone via wireless LAN image captured with the built-in camera of 1.3 million pixels can be identified from. In addition to heart the engine is also included in “V80” of the base model, as a common feature of both models, and rotation about 14,000 per minute “high concentration Plasmacluster 7000”, and “absorption powerful system” is installed.