The Global Push for Felica NFC
The Global Push for Felica NFC

The Global Push for Felica NFC

The Global Push for Felica NFC

Plenty of buzz about the path going forward with FeliCa Networks over the last few days, our quick take:

Samsung and FeliCa Networks issued this press release [.PDF] with that important news in plain, clear English. Kindly suggest you read it very carefully, with the title of this post in mind.

While indeed we’re used to the many voices from overseas, who continue beating the NFC drum with angle – either not understood, or worse not respected – that somehow the Sony FeliCa platform is somehow not ‘real’ NFC. Without getting too deep into the Type A and Type B technical ISO matters, lets make it very clear the Official Standard Noted By NFC Forum most certainly “Requires” FeliCa(.)

Anyone who has actually spent some hands-on time with various offerings will see rather quickly that (Sony) FeliCa has several advantages when compared to (Philips) NXP, most notably the transaction speed and platform security. Of course, like most things in life, superior products generally come at an increased premium. Basically, if you want true Tap & Go speed, with most secure encryption platform (MiFare anyone?), then FeliCa is commercially track-proven on mobile mass scale here since 2004. Whether you want to compare handset penetration, range of service offerings or enabled point of sale locations, Japan is truly light years ahead in the “N.F.C.” space.

All points above are seldom, if ever that we’ve seen, mentioned in main-scream media. So, when the domestic telcos and ODM’s formed the Japan Mobile NFC Consortium late last year to decide how they will approach the (better late than never) growth of NFC overseas, scribes everywhere took that most logical step to somehow mean they must abandon the well-established local platform. Consider these two obvious, and stated, facts; inter-operability for domestic and international travelers – plus – the growing global component and platform market opportunities. No doubt universal chips are coming.

Frankly, it’s ‘interesting’ to observe the blind gang-on effect of so-called Galapagos theory, tho we still prefer Atlantis, when very clearly what happens in mobile in Japan continues to show the way forward globally. To be fair, because that’s why you love us, this post by Billy Ray at The Register concludes at the heart of this matter: a quick ‘bonk’ for the train, bus, taxi, plane is oh-so 2005 here, as would be swapping contacts or photos. We have 70M enabled devices on the street, with est. 20% daily active across all demographics based on mid-2010 report, and see services – importantly beyond simple cash transactions – ranging from digital displays, TV Remote Controls to Tap and Follow on Twitter.

The current scenario reminds us of the evolution of 3G; how quickly folks forget W-CDMA was built in Japan, complete with essential IP that now enables every 3G phone in world, funny that huh..?!?

Ok.. there.. /rant = must get back to paid work.. TGIF.. 😎