MoMo Global Sets Sail!
Ya Gotta See the All New MobileMonday global website:
It’s been a real labor of love for all of us here to pull that puppy together.. So – check it out!

While MoMo has traditionally meant face-to-face encounters, now increasingly, the need for digital interaction between all members is clear and this platform is another step towards addressing the demand for all to connect with developments, worldwide, in the community.
We encourage you to poke around the new site – a handy FAQ is Here. Of course you’ll have to Register a profile – it’s a snap – and jump into the Activity stream all while keeping up-to-date on the Latest News from our local chapters. Discover and ‘friend’ fellow Members, join a few Groups and get active in the Forums.
It’s all about mobile, and freely open to all players in the global ecosystem, so invite your colleagues and make this destination part of a valuable part of your online networking tools!
Now we gotta pack our bags for Singapore and CommunicAsia.. 😎