Mobile Contactless Payments Report
Mobile Contactless Payments Report

Mobile Contactless Payments Report

Mobile Contactless Payments Report

Very in-depth white paper on mobile contactless payments – Congrats Chris & Philip – Good stuff.. \@_@/

Explaining International Mobile Payments Leadership — .PDF Here

Around the world, consumers can use mobile phones as electronic wallets to pay for public transit, to check in at airline gates, and to make purchases from merchants, kiosks, and vendors. But not in the United States, which lags behind world leaders in leveraging the mobile phone as a platform to effect commercial transactions. The result is lagging productivity and reduced convenience for America and Americans.

In the report Explaining International Mobile Payments Leadership ITIF identifies the leading nations in mobile payments, explains why the United States lags so far behind, and offers a set of policy recommendations for how the federal government can take steps to speed the arrival and adoption of more sophisticated forms of mobile commerce transactions, better leveraging these increasingly powerful mobile communications devices.

Naturally WWJ has followed this segment since well back into 2003! We ran a quick search of our database, using both Felica and NFC terms, and noted with nostalgia the Trial Launch Video Report at DoCoMo HQ and related Sony Gets Near-Field Boost articles.