Re-sharing this solid academic research paper, published late 2018, which details the Gacha business model in Japan: Exploring the game of chance elements in free to play mobile games.. as/more relevant than ever.. hint: Human Emotion$
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) September 8, 2021
PayPal confirms $2.7Bn acquisition of @PaidyJP the Buy Now and Pay Later platform claims 6M registered users and was rumored to be on path to IPO. Congrats to Canadian ~ Japanese lead team.. huge win for Itochu.. triple crown Unicorn status..
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) September 8, 2021
SoftBank enters strategic partnership and equity share swap with Deutsche Telekom, based on evolution of stock structure from recent Sprint and T-Mobile deal it appears SBG has acquired 4.5% stake in DT along with various benefits as detailed here:
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) September 7, 2021
Japan has nominated Mr. Seizo Onoe, fabled ‘Father of LTE’, for Director-General position at ITU Standardization Bureau with elections to be held in Sept. 2022. See brief announced, with overview details in English, via Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) September 5, 2021
The KDDI +αProject assigns points to employees volunteer efforts and coverts them into cash donations for worthy most NPOs. They just announced $10M from 2020 activities to support 58 charities with $94M raised since program launch in 2008. [Jpn]
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) September 3, 2021
NEC identity recognition tech claims another first place award from NIST on their Iris tool, with tested accuracy at 99.6% under IREX10 standard, which is now part of the Bio-IDiom suite that enables confirmation in motion. [Jpn]
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) September 2, 2021