
Mitsubishi Electric Selects ACCESS NetFront i-mode Global Profile

ACCESS announced that its NetFront(r) i-mode(tm) Global Profile integrated software solution was selected by Mitsubishi Electric for deployment in its M430i i-mode handset. The M430i is currently offered by leading i-mode operators such as Bouygues Telecom, COSMOTE, E-Plus, Far EastTone, KPN Mobile, Telefonica Moviles, BASE, Telestra, and WIND, with additional i-mode operators to follow. NetFront i-mode Global Profile is a comprehensive, integrated solution specifically optimized for the i-mode Global service. It offers operators and their handset partners seamless i-mode Global deployments while reducing overall cost and time-to-market.

Chaku Uta Full Downloads Exceed 5 Million

KDDI and Okinawa Cellular are pleased to announce that cumulative downloads EZ “Chaku Uta Full“, part of the au mobile phone service provided by KDDI and Okinawa Cellular, surpassed 5 million on April 3, 2005. The EZ “Chaku Uta Full” service, launched on November 19, 2004, its millionth download in January, 2005, 2 millionth download in February, and 3rd and 4th millionth downloads in March. EZ “Chaku Uta Full” is a music download service through which an entire song can be downloaded directly onto a mobile handset. With a maximum download speed of 2.4 Mbps via CDMA 1X WIN technology and the Double Fixed packet data fixed fee service, users can easily download music anywhere and anytime without worrying about packet data fees.

BREW Developers Japan Seminar

Qualcomm has announced that Digital Hollywood will host the upcoming BREW developers’ seminar event to be held in Tokyo on 26 April. KDDI is also on board as co-sponsor offering workshops at their Harajuku Designing Studio for two days in June. Full details [in Jpn.] from their Press Release; access site, which has a limited English section available.

Softbank Drops Lawsuit

Softbank Corp. has withdrawn a lawsuit against Japanese telecoms regulators over a slice of coveted bandwith it wanted for its planned entry into the mobile phone business, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun daily said. The business newspaper said Softbank may have dropped the suit against Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications so as not to hurt its chances for a potential business alliance with Fuji Television Network Inc.

DoCoMo Sets Ambitious 3G Goal

DoCoMo has set a target of selling more than 20 million high-speed data handsets this year, twice the number of its customers using such services, to help win a dominant market share. “More than 80 percent of the handsets we sell this year will be 3G, and the total number of 3G subscribers will be more than our competitor for sure,” Takeshi Natsuno, DoCoMo’s managing director of multimedia services, said Monday in an interview. [We noted this strategic move when they announced the low-cost 700i-series in February. — Ed.]

KDDI Designing Studio: Video Tour

KDDI Harajuku Design Studio TourJapan’s wireless industry provides some of the coolest mobile experiences on planet Earth. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that mobile players here are also masters at the street-level marketing of cell phones and wireless services — and KDDI’s Designing Studio is not only the latest over-the-top effort at creating a consumer-targeted mobile funland, it’s also the best. In today’s program, WWJ’s Gail Nakada speaks with the Studio’s general manager, tours five floors’ worth of interactive games, live handsets and mobile demos, and plugs into Harajuku’s ultimate mobile zeitgeist.