Portable NFC Keyboard for Android
Portable NFC keyboard, developed by Japan-based Elecom and One2Touch, for Android devices shipping in Aug: http://bit.ly/RMtizC
Portable NFC keyboard, developed by Japan-based Elecom and One2Touch, for Android devices shipping in Aug: http://bit.ly/RMtizC
This is Very Cool: NFC embedded handle grips coming to Tokyo subways – here’s a sign of the future for you! http://bit.ly/LkBJKc
Plenty of buzz about the path going forward with FeliCa Networks over the last few days, our quick take: http://bit.ly/ADPQH7
Skylark family restaurants enabled m-payments Feb. 1st, for most major platforms, at 2,600 locations: http://bit.ly/ySRyJp
Nintendo Q3 results briefing reveals their new Wii U tablet styled console will have NFC on-board = Very Cool: http://bit.ly/z6kxAA
DoCoMo, KDDI & SoftBank jointly announce the Japan Mobile NFC Consortium to ensure global compatibility: http://bit.ly/A0Zn2v