The Frisk-Sized Mobile Phone
A ‘refreshing’ change from the routine & super xmas gift idea for wannabe secret agents, a Frisk-sized Phone!
A ‘refreshing’ change from the routine & super xmas gift idea for wannabe secret agents, a Frisk-sized Phone!
According to JEITIA, the 2010 handset sales in Japan grew, for 1st time in 3yrs, by 2.4% to grand total of 32.9M units sold:
Here’s quick heads-up for detailed industry bench-mark report on Smartphone market futures in Japan.
We recently submitted this article – as pasted below – to our friend, and long-time outside adviser, Alan Moore. It’s an honor and privilege for us to be included on his SMLXL site, noting that we’re also thrilled to be invited recently to join as an Opinion Leader on the Canvas8 platform.
ITU World 2009 runs again this year, Oct. 5 – 9 in Geneva, with 18 Japanese Telecom leaders on-hand to discuss ICTs for economic growth. With its focus on development opportunities, the event brings together corporate social responsibility and displays cases of best practices. As always it looks to be a fantastic high-level gathering and we hope to be there!
The KDDI led consortia, UQ Communications, is geared up for commercial launch later this month in all 23 Tokyo wards, Yokohama and Kawasaki with Nagoya and Osaka coming online in June. The monthly flat-rate access fee is noted at 4,480jpy, or about $40, and will be available for free until June 30th. They also indicate that “UQ Wi-Fi” service will be made freely available on the Shinkansen for some commercial clients as of March and all customers as of September. The group, including Intel, JR East, Kyocera and several banks, formed in September 2007 and gained official approval from the ministry for the 2.5GHz spectrum a few months later.