Japan Smartphone Adoption Survey
DAC releases annual Japan mobile survey: Smartphone share up 2x across all ages with 5x gain by young women: http://bit.ly/SM5WcJ
Machine Translation:
Digital Advertising Consortium (DAC) has announced results of survey conducted 12 days from June 10, 2012 with 2,000 valid responses collected via the Internet.

Both men and women in their 20s had the highest utilization rate by age of smartphones in September 2011, 23.9% male, 20.5% were women, but, in this year’s survey points to significantly increase with each age group. In particular, women 36.6% from 7.5% at age 16-19, 39.1% from 20.5% in their 20s, 26.1% from 11.6% in their thirties, 18.6% from 7.2% in their 40s, 14.0% from 5.4% in their 50s and, it had increased nearly doubled with each age group.
In addition, in the process of purchasing all of the products and services, utilization of smartphones had increased from last year. In particular, it had a higher reliance on smartphones in the process of all 16-19 years old and 20-29 are referred to as “information sharing” “purchase decision” “comparative study” “Search” “access to information”.
Frequently used in relation to the site or application, the order Facebook, Yahoo! JAPAN, LINE, Twitter, of mixi. I have to analyze results lined medium used to communicate with friends and get the latest information; “smartphone has become a very important tool in our daily lives”.