Japan Mobile up for Golden Lion
Dentsu is on the short-list in the mobile advertising category at the 2007 Cannes Lions awards with their Comic Shogakukan campaign. According to this article on Adage, Media Lions jury President David Verklin said he was impressed by how much more advanced mobile marketing is outside the U.S., especially in Japan. “We were stunned by the Japanese approach to mobile,” he said.
“Mobile is the next big battleground. The U.S. is really behind on mobile and digital.” He cited several examples. The mobile phone was a control device in a Bronze-winning effort to build awareness for Tokyo shopping district Akarium. Agencies Hakuhodo and 777 Interactive, both Tokyo, designed light boxes along an avenue. As people walked along, they could use their phones to light up the avenue.
We note this i-mode project won a golden lion at Canne way back in 2004.