Family Mart AR Coupon Campaign
Family Mart AR Coupon Campaign

Family Mart AR Coupon Campaign

Family Mart AR Coupon Campaign

Family Mart – with 3,400 convenience store locations nationwide – announces AR Coupon campaign powered by SekaiCamera

Machine Translation

Four companies (C.Itoh & Co. Ltd., FamilyMart, [famima] dot com, and [satoru] hasty dots) began the inducement of coming to a store and the sales promotion service that synchronized the mechanism of service of the coupon issuing tickets “Fami port coupon” of multimedia terminal “Fami port” in “[Sekaikamera]” of AR (enhancing reality) application program and the FamilyMart shop on February 28, 2011.

The image such as commodities for the campaign is displayed on the screen as air tag when [sekaikamera] is started with iPhone and the Android terminal, and it sits for the FamilyMart store. When the air tag was done in the tap, it was a coupon coupon that was displayed ID, and acquired it ID was set up in the FamilyMart store The coupon was issued by inputting it to the Fami port, and the exchange and the discount service can be received with the object commodity.

[Sekaikamerayu-za-] will : around the FamilyMart store in the future It is possible to use it by being able to confirm the presence of the object campaign such as the Fami port coupons, and issuing the Fami port coupon in the FamilyMart store in the presence.

[Famichiki] free voucher is issued to the first 5,000 people as the first of service on February 28. This time, the air tag of [famichiki] was displayed on the application program when [sekaikamera] was held up in about 3,400 FamilyMart stores of one capital nine prefecture, and the coupon Acquired it through ID The Fami port coupon can be used.