Cell Phones that Surf for the News
Cell Phones that Surf for the News

Cell Phones that Surf for the News

Cell Phones that Surf for the News

On a cell phone someday soon, you’ll be able to instruct a personal news-gatherer to scour a dozen media sites for headlines within minutes after they are posted. Are you a football, baseball or soccer fan? A new technology will dish up a playback of your favorite team’s winning goal. The technology turns cell phones into computers that can download and execute programs just like PCs.

EXTRACT: The new cell phone programming, which has taken off in Japan, could make mobile phones a mainstay for news delivery. Though the technology is available in the United States, wireless carriers have not employed it there to the degree that they have in Japan, which has 59.5 million mobile Internet users. With its wireless-crazy populace, Japan’s experience could provide Americans a glimpse of the future for news delivery via cell phones. CONTINUE

COMMENTARY: A well-written story (if I, the author, may say so myself ;-)) looking at how Java is being exploited to provide more and more real-time distribution of news and information.