Wireless Internet
Wireless Internet

NEC to Enter Russian 3G Market

NEC Corp plans to enter the 3G mobile phone infrastructure market in Russia, which will begin commercialization of 3G mobile phone service in 2006, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported, citing NEC chairman Hajime Sasaki. NEC will compete for their orders against Nokia Corp, Telefon AB LM Ericsson and other European companies to supply base stations and base station controllers, the Nikkei said.

.mobi Domain Approved

Not really ‘news’ since ICAAN cleared the final hurtles on 3 June, yet the Web is alive today [Google News] with this story. We reported back in December 2004 on the possible approval of the .mobi domain extension; we guess the admin folks at mTLD Top Level Domain Ltd, based in Dublin, will have their hands full. Apparently their contract was signed with ICANN in Luxembourg last night and new .mobi domains will be on sale in the first half of 2006.

Sun and DoCoMo Announce Star Java

Sun Microsystems today announced an agreement with NTT DoCoMo, Japan’s largest mobile operator, to deliver a next-generation mobile data services platform based on open-standard Java technology. Codenamed * Project (Star Project), this collaboration extends the two companies’ successful ongoing relationship to deliver the development tools and a secure, feature-rich Java technology-based environment that will help deliver on DoCoMo’s mission to enrich consumers’ lifestyles and bring people closer together.

ACCESS' NetFront Powers Full Internet Browsing on N901iS 3G Handset

ACCESS announced that its NetFront full Internet mobile browser has been selected by NTT DoCoMo for deployment in its 3G FOMA N901iS handset. The N901iS is part of DoCoMo’s 901iS Mobile Wallet series—the most advanced handset series ever developed by DoCoMo. In combination with ACCESS’ NetFront browser, the N901iS handset’s advanced functionality expands to deliver support for both i-mode as well as full Internet browsing. ACCESS’ NetFront browser provides N901iS end-users with a rich, full Internet mobile browsing experience that includes the ability to scale down standard Web pages to fit the width of the phone screen, thus eliminating the need for horizontal scrolling while significantly facilitating the mobile browsing experience.

ACCESS Announces NetFront v3.2 Browser for Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition

ACCESS announced the availability of the English language version of NetFront® v3.2 for Pocket PC 2003/2003 Second Edition (SE) which supports Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 SE. NetFront v3.2 for Pocket PC 2003/2003 SE builds on the success of ACCESS’ award-winning NetFront v3.1 for Pocket PC browser by providing support for key new technologies and features including JV-Lite(tm) 2 CE edition, ACCESS’ Sun authorized Java virtual machine which supports the Connected Device Configuration (CDC) standard, and native support for Macromedia Flash(tm).

Willcom to Bid for 2GHz Spectrum

Willcom Inc. has decided to bid for use of the 2GHz band that the Communications Ministry plans to offer to one 3G cellular phone service company this year, The Nihon Keizai Shimbun learned Monday. If approval is granted, Willcom plans to launch next-generation PHS service that will realize a data speed of 20-30 megabits per second — about 100 times as fast as current PHS services and equal to that of ASDL.