The au Design project joins Media Ambition Tokyo series of upcoming events with this 5G AR demo at their Shibuya location, it seems the available booking slots are almost full, despite ‘virus’ concerns.. [Jpn]
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 25, 2020
NEC will be rolling ‘Smart Street Lights’ in Roppongi from late March. Designed by Motoko Ishii, the functions include; digital signage and speakers, tourist info and disaster messaging with crowd activity tracking cameras and 5G antennas, of course. [Jpn]
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 25, 2020
Tokyo Game Show just released details for their annual conference and exhibition, running Sept. 24/27th 2020, celebrating the 30th anniversary with an est. 300K guests! Let the Games Begin.. [English .Pdf]
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 21, 2020
Great to see SoftBank adopt LIMEX Bio Bags, alternative to plastic made with Limestone, for all their shops with annual replaced estimate of 5.5M units and 40 tonnes of waste. Congrats to Yamasaki and his team, further details via TBM website here:
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 19, 2020
KDDI announced their 9th annual MugenLabo Day on March 24th will be virtual only, considering Coronavirus. Thankfully, they ran trial last year with local investee company, Kyoto-based Cluster, enabling 5,000 VR avatars to attend. Details here [Jpn]
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 19, 2020
Fujitsu secured Japan first license for a Private 5G Network, non-telco solution running in local closed areas, and will demo their solutions for corp. clients at new ‘Collaboration Lab’ from this spring, see press release in English via global HQ:
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 19, 2020