FaceBook Rolls Safety Check Based on 3.11 Disaster
Mark Zuckerberg in Tokyo today to announce FaceBook “Safety Check” feature, based on the Japan 3.11 disaster: http://bit.ly/ZAJMkj
Mark Zuckerberg in Tokyo today to announce FaceBook “Safety Check” feature, based on the Japan 3.11 disaster: http://bit.ly/ZAJMkj
KDDI announces Syn.Alliance mobile app initiative, with 12 initial partners, shared suite of menu/ad tools platform: http://bit.ly/1sZXmtR
Hitachi has announced new Mobile NFC services platform, expect more details at their upcoming Innovation Forum event: http://bit.ly/1wqilH9
Omron will ship Human Vision Components, with their OKAO face recognition engine, as B2C product by year-end: http://bit.ly/1sZXhGA
Japan seniors survey for ownership of smartphone now 27% and tablets at 24% details published by MMD Labo: http://bit.ly/1sXMw7m
Huge LINE event today announcing new service segments for ID, Maps, Music, Pay, Taxi and more, Jpn video below: http://bit.ly/1whdUw5