Tezuka Productions and partners debut major Ai-Manga project, dubbed Phaedon from Plato ‘immortality of the soul’, with first issue of 13 chapters published today by Kodansha. See press conference report here [Jpn] https://t.co/sSjLyw4M5f pic.twitter.com/egP3Gmg7gn
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 27, 2020
KDDI will open TIP Community Lab in Tokyo this spring, 1st in Japan, joining a global efforts on developing open source network protocols. Details in English: https://t.co/xfiCIuM5pw Meanwhile – Congrats @TelecomInfraP on GLOMO Award. pic.twitter.com/yRXqq2ysf4
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 26, 2020
The au Design project joins Media Ambition Tokyo series of upcoming events with this 5G AR demo at their Shibuya location, it seems the available booking slots are almost full, despite ‘virus’ concerns.. [Jpn] https://t.co/mtjF4q4hN7 pic.twitter.com/5K1oqmYCRG
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 25, 2020
NEC will be rolling ‘Smart Street Lights’ in Roppongi from late March. Designed by Motoko Ishii, the functions include; digital signage and speakers, tourist info and disaster messaging with crowd activity tracking cameras and 5G antennas, of course. [Jpn] https://t.co/iC2I9z4T82 pic.twitter.com/2pR3vuJbI5
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 25, 2020
Tokyo Game Show just released details for their annual conference and exhibition, running Sept. 24/27th 2020, celebrating the 30th anniversary with an est. 300K guests! Let the Games Begin.. [English .Pdf] https://t.co/6DLm51ptZZ pic.twitter.com/2u0WHSjBHy
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 21, 2020
Great to see SoftBank adopt LIMEX Bio Bags, alternative to plastic made with Limestone, for all their shops with annual replaced estimate of 5.5M units and 40 tonnes of waste. Congrats to Yamasaki and his team, further details via TBM website here: https://t.co/aMtCIvtqBo pic.twitter.com/OfPLp2tizQ
— Mobile in Tokyo (@Wireless_Watch) February 19, 2020