<span class="vcard">editors</span>

Wireless Web Access up in 2004

Japan and the advancing markets saw the largest year-on-year growth among adults who used the Internet via a wireless connection. However, wireless population growth was largely driven by the two biggest Internet markets, the U.S. and Japan, fuelling 69 percent of user increase and adding an estimated 15 million and 11.6 million new wireless Internet users, respectively. Wireless Internet also gained some popularity in Western Europe, South Korea and Urban China.

Vodafone KK Expands Roaming Areas

Vodafone K.K. announced today that it will expand global roaming service areas for Vodafone live! and mobile data communications to 51 countries and regions as of 30 March 2005. Since launching its 3G service in December 2002, Vodafone K.K. has tied up with operators outside Japan providing W-CDMA and GSM/GPRS network services. In addition to offering voice roaming, Vodafone K.K. has also enabled its customers to access mobile data communications services abroad with the same Vodafone K.K. handset that they use in Japan.

Mobile Flat-Rate Voice Planned

Willcom Inc., Japan’s largest personal handy-phone system (PHS) company, said Tuesday it will introduce a flat rate for voice communication starting 1 May, becoming the first domestic wireless carrier to provide such service. It said the service will allow users to call fellow Willcom PHS users for unlimited minutes for 2,900 yen per month. Willcom, formerly DDI Pocket Inc., was bought out from KDDI Corp. by the U.S. investment firm Carlyle Group.

It's Quiet on Tokyo's Mobile Street. Too Quiet.

Checking headlines around the Web yesterday and today, I was struck by the eerie silence on Tokyo’s mobile street. There is a ton of coverage on the Livedoor/Fuji TV take-over battle, but that’s largely a Web/media topic and not really related to mobile. Where’s all the silence coming from? And could it be related to Vodafone, Softbank or flat-rate mobile voice calling? To be sure, we’re not totally lacking mobile news; DoCoMo have posted a couple of releases in the past two weeks, including the 22 February announcement of Mobile FeliCa, see WWJ’s video coverage here and the 8 March notice on the launch of the N700i and P700i 3G FOMA handsets. Similarly, KDDI have some releases up (but only in Japanese; nothing in English since 8 February), notably on their new W31S music-player form-factor celly from Sony Ericsson.

KDDI's EZ Channel TV

KDDI have just announced that as of 7 April they will have a total of 36 channels available on the WIN platform’s “EZ Channel” video content service. New additions include pro baseball, language lessons and an extreme sports program, X Games, from Walt Disney Japan. Customers can start signing up next week to see introduction program previews and, we guess, finally buy into a flat-rate packet data plan (if they haven’t already).

Japan Rail, DoCoMo State Mobile Suica Plans

Mobile Suica Launch VideoRecently, East Japan Rail (JR East) and NTT DoCoMo held a press event in Tokyo to announce the January 2006 start of “Mobile Suica” which will allow i-mode phones to serve as train tickets. WWJ’s Gail Nakada filed her report here and today’s video program gives you a ring-side seat to learn how Big D and JR plan to win over the hearts, minds and wallets of millions of mobile-phone using commuters (and most of them are). As you’re watching today’s press conference, there are several key points to keep in mind. First, until now, it has in fact not been possible to use your phoneas a train ticket in Japan. Despite all the live demonstrations, trade show hypeand media speculation around FeliCa, the FeliCa-based Suica cards used by JR andthe FeliCa-based i-mode handsets sold by DoCoMo have been incompatible. Yes, you could use your FeliCa handsets to buy a ticket, but the phone itself was not the ticket.

LG Demonstates 3.5G HSDPA

LG Electronics announced they have successfully demonstrated 3.5G high-speed data transmission at CTIA Wireless 2005, taking place in New Orleans, March 14-16, using Lucent Technology’s 14-Mbps download-supportive W-CDMA system, as well as the company’s own HSDPA-enabled mobile phone. According to the company, the model is the same used in a successful test run at Nortel Lab on 6 March, the first of its kind in the world.

Sony Ericsson Announces Low Cost CDMA Telematics Module

Sony Ericsson today announced a low cost, CDMA telematics module to support the pervasive growth of automotive and industrial applications like driver navigation, security, cargo tracking, mobility services and infotainment. The CM52 not only cuts costs for integrators of telematics solutions, but it is tri-mode to support multiple cellular technologies and boasts the widest network coverage in North America.

ELLEgirl gets 'Mobotized,' and Invites Readers to 'Point, Click and Connect'

ELLEgirl Magazine (published by Hachette Filipacchi) and Mobot today announced a 12-month partnership to create “mobotized” advertisements for ELLEgirl. Mobot’s visual search and recognition technology solution combined with camera phones makes it fun, rewarding and easy, for ELLEgirl readers to interact with their favorite consumer brands, providing instant gratification to teens living the mobile lifestyle. “This partnership works well for ELLEgirl’s teen readers that use mobile phones daily,” said Russ Gocht, CEO of Mobot. “For the advertiser, each picture can launch a thousand possibilities.”

Japan E-mail Anti-Abuse Group

Recognizing that spam e-mail is a serious problem that requires a concerted, industry-wide effort to resolve, Internet Initiative Japan Inc., KDDI Corporation, NTT DoCoMo, Inc., Panasonic Network Services, Inc., Plala Networks Inc., and Vodafone K.K. today announced that Japan’s major Internet service providers (ISPs) and mobile telecommunication carriers have jointly established the Japan E-mail Anti-Abuse Group (JEAG) to examine and implement technological countermeasures against E-mail abuse.