Mobile Game Developer by Aplix
Mobile Game Developer tool porta DoCoMo i-appli for iPhone, WiMo, Android and Symbian platforms [JPN]
Mobile Game Developer tool porta DoCoMo i-appli for iPhone, WiMo, Android and Symbian platforms [JPN]
NetFront V4.0 concept browser by ACCESS offers free trial to June 30th, touts faster Java and tabs [JPN]
Willcom introduces HYBRID W-ZERO3 smartphone, made by Sharp and running WiMo 6.5, avail end of Jan [JPN]
DoCoMo and Sony Ericsson appear set to intrduce the X10 Experia handset, running Android, to Japan [JPN]
Sekai Camera featured on MiX – ending “Tonchidot is a company to watch” (shame @iguchi didn’t get Gorilla.. next time!)
Japan Magazine Publishers Assoc. joins 100 titles for new online & mobile two-year trial project launches Jan. 27 [ENG]