R&D for Ubiquitous Platform Technology
Wow – 16 major players in Japan have come together to establish a new proof of concept living lab to test targeted next-gen. mobile offerings http://bit.ly/cwPruP
Wow – 16 major players in Japan have come together to establish a new proof of concept living lab to test targeted next-gen. mobile offerings http://bit.ly/cwPruP
Bob Collymore is talking the helm at Safaricom. He Initiated the 3G terminal convergence programme for Europe and Japan http://bit.ly/ap5uh2
DoCoMo announced it’s licensing software for their mobile to Photo Frame Otayori service to KT in Korea http://bit.ly/9XxV7A
A great review of upcoming Sharp push into the e-Book biz with new platform and Galapagos branded devices http://bit.ly/9B5le9
Here’s a quick article from the Nikkei interview with Google on plans to target the enterprise via Android in the cloud http://bit.ly/bZ8fIt
DoCoMo and several partners have announce a new project to better utilize networked devices in order to lower CO2 emissions http://bit.ly/csZu96