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Mobile World Congress 2010 Report

Despite an unusual chill in the air, it was snowing when we landed on Saturday night, the annual Mobile World Congress in Barcelona is wrapping up here today with plenty of hot news bits. The 2010 event will most likely be remembered for the “Arrival of Android” and the keynote from Eric Schmidt was a refreshing shift from the usual ‘dumb pipe’ belly button gazing offered by the operators. Watch the full presentation, including a few interesting demos followed by Q&A, via YouTube.

Of course the entire cycle towards LTE networks was key topic on the show floor, the Samsung Wave was certainly turning heads, Intel and Nokia introduced MeeGo and plenty of worthy press going around the debut of Windows 7 series – Video Here. Props to Microsoft for making what appears to be a quantum leap with WiMo, better late than never, and too their PR folks for freezing the clock on Plaza Catalunya Hotel at 7 for the whole week.. interesting times ahead to be sure!