Rakuten Mobile to Debut MVNO Service
Rakuten announces ‘full-scale entry’ into mobile as low-cost MVNO with ASUS handset on DoCoMo network http://bit.ly/1uzWiZB
Rakuten announces ‘full-scale entry’ into mobile as low-cost MVNO with ASUS handset on DoCoMo network http://bit.ly/1uzWiZB
New Ricoh Theta M15 Camera Rocks 360 views, including video, with ‘app for all that’ too.. Tricks & Treats! http://bit.ly/1uzWyrr
Simple Smartphone2 – slick design, made by Sharp, with all features targeted directly at Seniors market http://bit.ly/1HDXFR0
KDDI announces new VoLTE suite of tools to share screen, camera, position and handwriting between callers http://bit.ly/1zodDJ3
CyberAgent report on video ad market for smartphones in Japan at $1Bn value in 2014, and growing fast http://bit.ly/1rmy3hh
KDDI adds “au Game” to their Smart Pass platform, noted content partners incld. COLOPL, Gree and Mixi http://bit.ly/1v8vlQj