Japan Telecom Subscribers for July 2013
Official TCA July results for Japan Telco subscribers: total net adds 650K with DCM showing 860k new for LTE: http://bit.ly/14VDaj3
Official TCA July results for Japan Telco subscribers: total net adds 650K with DCM showing 860k new for LTE: http://bit.ly/14VDaj3
As announced here last April: Namco Bandai has Now Officially Opened Game Studio in Vancouver: http://bit.ly/12itxHc
This is not my direct turf per se, but thought perhaps it’s about time to make a few points with respect to the on-going spectrum soap opera back home (disclaimer: I AM Canadian too). Simply put; a major amount of chatter related to their upcoming auction of 700MHz and continued efforts by the Fed. to attract foreign investment in order to disrupt the current cozy strangle-hold by three well-established domestic players.
Several sources rumor that Panasonic will follow NEC in shuttering their smartphone divisions: http://bit.ly/12itjzY
DoCoMo and Samsung to offer new electronic signage platform, w/App to control by smartphones, from Aug. 30th: http://bit.ly/19tbiRx
Digital Garage and Dentsu announce ScienceJam project. Congrats Yasue Mitsukura, appointed CTO, from Keio! http://bit.ly/17DLVdn