Meet Japan Mobile Gamers at GDC 2013
Noted, JETROUSA Panel at GDC on March 27th in SFO.. 5 Things to Know: Japanese Games & Publishing in Japan:

Join the JETRO Seminar, 5 Things to Know: Japanese Games & Publishing in Japan
JETRO will host a seminar welcoming Japanese game developers as panel speakers at the Game Developers Conference 2013 (GDC) on Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 2:00PM – 3:00PM. Panel speakers will reveal their insights on Japanese games. Find out the answers to five questions below, and how that information will impact your business:
- What kind of approach do Japanese game companies take to win in the game markets in Japan and overseas?
- What is your advice for those who want to publish games in Japan?
- Which types of Japanese games will be big hits in western markets?
- What key strengths make Japanese gaming companies competitive?
- How can you source successful Japanese games or developers for your market?
Join in the panel discussion to speak with Japanese game developers and learn how to successfully partner with Japanese gaming companies.
Meet more Japanese developers at Game Connection and discover great Japanese games!