FaceBook in Japan – Big Deals in the Wind
FaceBook CEO Japan visit; meets PM, renews Dentsu contract, meets with developers and signals new deals: http://bit.ly/HsoEBM
FaceBook CEO Japan visit; meets PM, renews Dentsu contract, meets with developers and signals new deals: http://bit.ly/HsoEBM
NEC Medias tablet debut 03.30; 7″ TFT, dual-core ‘droid, waterproof w/LTE, NFC plus both 1Seg & new NotTV: http://bit.ly/H35txE
DeNA has landed deals in China for Mobage with all three main telcos, total 120M 3G subs, over last 30-days: http://bit.ly/H5CS8K
JR and SoftBank launch “Softbank Wi-Fi spots” on April 2nd at rail stations for compatible handsets and tablets: http://bit.ly/H2lBjW
KDDI announced subs for the “au Smart Path” cloud service, coupons etc. debuted March 1st, topped 500,000: http://bit.ly/H4pchQ
Whicked! Bandai brings back AIBO with styled robot puppy using iPhone. Smart Pet on sale late April about $75: http://bit.ly/HC97MH