Multi-Screen UX Competition – Calling All Apps!
Organized by Nikkei BP, and sponsored by Sony Mobile, check-out this call for best of the best mobile apps!

Do you have an idea or an app that makes fun use of multiple screens and devices? If you submit an app or idea to the Multi-Screen UX Competition you can win high profile promotion at several industry events.
All you have to do is to develop an app or come up with an innovative idea using multiple screens such as smartphones, tablets, computers and TV’s? Check out the Submit apps & ideas page for more information.
If you’re a creator, planner, or developer, we welcome you to submit your app or idea to the Multi-screen UX competition. The competition is open globally, and we’re especially looking for unique, innovative applications and ideas that will trigger user experiences over multiple screens, such as smartphones, tablets, and other devices.
The winner of the App category will be offered booth space at Mobile World Congress 2013 in Barcelona, Spain (February 25-28, 2013) to showcase their applications. The winner will also be offered full flight and hotel accommodations. If you submit your application until December 14, 2012, we consider it as a candidate of showcase at International CES, which will take place between January 8 and January 11, 2013 in Las Vegas, U.S.A.